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78thDwars door Vlaanderen - A travers la Flandre

Dwars door Vlaanderen


24/03/2024 16:03

Hi Lads!

Another preview from TOL Club to CyclingFantasy coaches!

In this case, we focus on Dwars door Vlaanderen - A travers la Flandre

Weather Forecast

Cold and windy*

*windy: over 15km/h


Stage Profile

Last flandrien classic .uwt before De Ronde. Under 190kms this race usually is dodged by the De Ronde big favourites but some riders use to ride it to improve their shapes face to the flandrien monument.


The starlist of Dwars door Vlaanderen - A travers la Flandre still with the big classics riders names. We find 5 powerfull teams than the rest. Obviusly they want to get Dwars door Vlaanderen under control. For exemple:

Rest of the squads would show their teams colours and play their cards. For exemple: