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Resultats | UCI Road World Championships ME - ITT

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1ITALY maillot imageGANNA Filippo00:47:47
2BELGIUM maillot imageVAN AERT Wout00:00:06
3BELGIUM maillot imageEVENEPOEL Remco00:00:44
4DENMARK maillot imageASGREEN Kasper00:00:46
5SWITZERLAND maillot imageKÜNG Stefan00:01:07
6GERMANY maillot imageMARTIN Tony00:01:18
7SWITZERLAND maillot imageBISSEGGER Stefan00:01:26
8GREAT BRITAIN maillot imageHAYTER Ethan00:01:27
9ITALY maillot imageAFFINI Edoardo00:01:49
10SLOVENIA maillot imagePOGAČAR Tadej00:01:53
11GERMANY maillot imageWALSCHEID Maximilian Richard00:01:54
12NETHERLANDS maillot imageVAN EMDEN Jos00:01:54
13PORTUGAL maillot imageOLIVEIRA Nelson00:01:55
14FRANCE maillot imageCAVAGNA Rémi00:01:59
15SLOVENIA maillot imageTRATNIK Jan00:02:04
16GREAT BRITAIN maillot imageBIGHAM Daniel00:02:11
17DENMARK maillot imageBJERG Mikkel00:02:16
18UNITED STATES OF AMERICA maillot imageCRADDOCK G Lawson00:02:37
19SOUTH AFRICA maillot imageGIBBONS Ryan00:02:37
20CANADA maillot imageHOULE Hugo00:03:03
21ITALY maillot imageSOBRERO Matteo00:03:06
22UNITED STATES OF AMERICA maillot imageMCNULTY Brandon00:03:09
23NEW ZEALAND maillot imageSCULLY Tom00:03:10
24POLAND maillot imageKWIATKOWSKI Michal00:03:10
25SPAIN maillot imageRODRIGUEZ Carlos00:03:24
26NORWAY maillot imageLEKNESSUND Andreas00:03:27
27FRANCE maillot imageTHOMAS Benjamin00:03:28
28CYPRUS maillot imageMILTIADIS Andreas00:03:30
29HUNGARY maillot imagePEÁK Barnabás00:03:33
30PORTUGAL maillot imageREIS Rafael00:03:35
31KAZAKHSTAN maillot imageGRUZDEV Dmitriy00:03:59
32CZECH REPUBLIC maillot imageČERNÝ Josef00:04:00
33IRELAND maillot imageMULLEN Ryan00:04:12
34COLOMBIA maillot imageURAN Rigoberto00:04:18
35SERBIA maillot imageILIĆ Ognjen00:04:19
36KAZAKHSTAN maillot imageFOMINYKH Daniil00:05:02
37AUSTRIA maillot imageRITZINGER Felix00:05:08
38RUSSIA maillot imageRIKUNOV Petr00:05:10
39IRELAND maillot imageCHRISTIE Marcus00:05:20
40UKRAINE maillot imageKONONENKO Mykhaylo00:05:47
41PANAMA maillot imageJURADO LOPEZ Christofer00:06:10
42LITHUANIA maillot imageLAŠINIS Venantas00:06:25
43UZBEKISTAN maillot imageKHALMURATOV Muradjan00:06:29
44PANAMA maillot imageARCHIBOLD CASTILLO Franklin00:06:48
45SLOVAKIA maillot imageKUBA Ronald00:07:53
46ICELAND maillot imageÁGÚSTSSON Rúnar Örn00:08:08
47SYRIA maillot imageJASER Nazir00:08:20
48THAILAND maillot imageSIRIRONNACHAI Sarawut00:08:35
49BULGARIA maillot imageGYUROV Spas00:09:12
50UZBEKISTAN maillot imageSUNNATOV Akramjon00:10:43
51QATAR maillot imageALKHATER Fadhel00:10:57
52PAKISTAN maillot imageJAWAID Ali00:11:06
53ALGERIA maillot imageTCHAMBAZ Lotfi00:11:43
54PAKISTAN maillot imageAMJAD Khalil00:13:20
55GHANA maillot imageSYMONDS Christopher00:18:09
56ETHIOPIA maillot imageHAILU Hailemelekot-00:47:47
57ETHIOPIA maillot imageGRMAY Tsgabu Gebremaryam-00:47:47
58SOUTH AFRICA maillot imageDE BOD Stefan-00:47:47