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Risultati | Tour of Oman

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11/02/2023- 15/02/2023
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Stage results
1SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageVANSEVENANT Mauri03:53:51
2MOVISTAR TEAM maillot imageJORGENSON Matteo00:00:00
3AG2R CITROEN TEAM maillot imageBOUCHARD Geoffrey00:00:12
4INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageTAARAMÄE Rein00:00:22
5LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageVAN GILS Maxim00:00:37
6UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageULISSI Diego00:00:37
7TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageRODRIGUEZ MARTIN Cristian00:00:58
8COFIDIS maillot imageHERRADA Jesus00:00:58
9MOVISTAR TEAM maillot imageVERONA Carlos00:01:00
10BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageUIJTDEBROEKS Cian00:01:12
11BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageBUCHMANN Emanuel00:01:21
12UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageEG Niklas00:01:21
13BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageZWIEHOFF Ben00:01:30
14BURGOS-BH maillot imageLANGELLOTTI Victor00:01:35
15SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageHIRT Jan00:01:41
16BINGOAL WB maillot imageTEUGELS Lennert00:01:55
17LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageMONIQUET Sylvain00:01:58
18TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageRIES Michel00:02:01
19INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageMEINTJES Louis00:02:03
20ASTANA QAZAQSTAN TEAM maillot imageLUTSENKO Alexey00:02:14
21BINGOAL WB maillot imageDE TIER Floris00:02:35
23ASTANA QAZAQSTAN TEAM maillot imageTEJADA CANACUE Harold Alfonso00:02:39
24COFIDIS maillot imageROCHAS Rémy00:02:51
25EQUIPO KERN PHARMA maillot imageADRIA OLIVERAS Roger00:02:53
26EQUIPO KERN PHARMA maillot imageCASTRILLO Pablo00:02:56
27TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageDELAPLACE Anthony00:03:01
28EQUIPO KERN PHARMA maillot imageCARBONI Giovanni00:03:01
29BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageSCHELLING Ide00:03:12
30COFIDIS maillot imageWOOD Harrison00:03:14
31TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageEDET Nicolas00:03:17
32UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageKULSET Magnus00:03:17
33BURGOS-BH maillot imageSANCHEZ MAYO Pelayo00:03:22
34SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageMASNADA Fausto00:03:29
35INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imagePETILLI Simone00:03:38
36LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageSEPULVEDA Eduardo00:03:43
37JCL TEAM UKYO maillot imageKOISHI Yuma00:03:43
38AG2R CITROEN TEAM maillot imageHÄNNINEN Jaakko00:03:53
39JCL TEAM UKYO maillot imageYAMAMOTO Masaki00:03:57
40MOVISTAR TEAM maillot imageSOSA CUERVO Ivan Ramiro00:03:57
41UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageFORMOLO Davide00:03:57
42TERENGGANU POLYGON CYCLING TEAM maillot imageSAINBAYAR Jambaljamts00:04:01
43MOVISTAR TEAM maillot imageGONZÁLEZ RIVERA Abner00:04:07
44AG2R CITROEN TEAM maillot imageVENDRAME Andrea00:04:09
45JCL TEAM UKYO maillot imageOKA Atsushi00:04:34
46TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imagePONOMAR Andrii00:04:36
47AG2R CITROEN TEAM maillot imageDEWULF Stan00:04:58
48BURGOS-BH maillot imageFRANCO Alejandro00:05:03
49BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageLIPOWITZ Florian00:05:03
50EQUIPO KERN PHARMA maillot imageLOPEZ CARAVACA Jordi00:05:10
51BINGOAL WB maillot imageVAN BOVEN Luca00:05:14
52UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageGIBBONS Ryan00:05:19
53AG2R CITROEN TEAM maillot imageNAESEN Oliver00:05:19
54INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageBUSATTO Francesco00:05:30
55BINGOAL WB maillot imageDESAL Ceriel00:05:49
56MOVISTAR TEAM maillot imageKANTER Max00:06:01
57AG2R CITROEN TEAM maillot imageVAN AVERMAET Greg00:06:07
58BINGOAL WB maillot imageMEENS Johan00:06:31
59INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imagePAQUOT Tom00:06:31
60UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageLAENGEN Vegard Stake00:07:05
61MOVISTAR TEAM maillot imageERVITI Imanol00:07:05
62JCL TEAM UKYO maillot imagePRADES REVERTER Benjami00:07:05
63EQUIPO KERN PHARMA maillot imageCOBO CAYON Ivan00:07:10
64AG2R CITROEN TEAM maillot imageNAESEN Lawrence00:07:32
65LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageLIVYNS Arjen00:07:46
66INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageMARIT Arne00:07:51
67TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageBIERMANS Jenthe00:08:18
68JCL TEAM UKYO maillot imageTAKEYAMA Kosuke00:08:18
69UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageVINK Michael00:08:18
70TERENGGANU POLYGON CYCLING TEAM maillot imageMAZUKI Nur Amirull Fakhruddin00:08:18
71INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imagePLANCKAERT Baptiste00:08:28
72LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageDE GENDT Thomas00:08:45
73HUMAN POWERED HEALTH maillot imageJENSEN August00:08:50
74HUMAN POWERED HEALTH maillot imageBASSETT Stephen00:08:50
75UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageHANSEN Lasse Norman00:09:00
76UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageBENDIXEN Louis00:09:00
77COFIDIS maillot imageRENARD Alexis00:09:00
78BINGOAL WB maillot imageVAN KEIRSBULCK Guillaume00:09:00
79ASTANA QAZAQSTAN TEAM maillot imageFEDOROV Yevgeniy00:09:00
80UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageACKERMANN Pascal00:09:00
81UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageDVERSNES Fredrik00:09:00
82UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageHALVORSEN Kristoffer00:09:00
83BINGOAL WB maillot imageSALBY Alexander00:09:00
84HUMAN POWERED HEALTH maillot imagePEÁK Barnabás00:09:00
85SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageWARLOP Jordi00:09:00
86OMAN maillot imageAL HSANI Munther00:09:00
87LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageSCHWARZMANN Michael00:09:00
88EQUIPO KERN PHARMA maillot imageBERRADE Urko00:09:00
89EQUIPO KERN PHARMA maillot imageVAN DER TUUK Danny00:09:00
90SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageVAN LERBERGHE Bert00:09:00
91SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageMERLIER Tim00:09:00
92SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageČERNÝ Josef00:09:13
93BURGOS-BH maillot imageFUENTES PANIEGO Angel00:10:12
94BURGOS-BH maillot imageAPARICIO MUÑOZ Mario00:10:12
95MOVISTAR TEAM maillot imageJØRGENSEN Mathias Norsgaard00:10:36
96HUMAN POWERED HEALTH maillot imagePERRY Benjamin00:10:49
97TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageDEKKER David00:11:30
98OMAN maillot imageAL RIYAMI Mazin00:11:30
99JCL TEAM UKYO maillot imageISHIBASHI Manabu00:11:34
100COFIDIS maillot imageKREDER Wesley00:11:54
101COFIDIS maillot imageZINGLE Axel00:11:54
103BURGOS-BH maillot imageFERNANDEZ RUIZ Miguel Angel00:12:28
104OMAN maillot imageALRAHBI Said00:12:33
105LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageSELIG Rüdiger00:12:44
106ASTANA QAZAQSTAN TEAM maillot imageCAVENDISH Mark00:12:52
107HUMAN POWERED HEALTH maillot imageBANASZEK Alan00:12:52
108JCL TEAM UKYO maillot imageKREDER Raymond00:12:52
110ASTANA QAZAQSTAN TEAM maillot imageBOARO Manuele00:14:03
111ASTANA QAZAQSTAN TEAM maillot imageBASSO Leonardo00:16:33
112ASTANA QAZAQSTAN TEAM maillot imageLAAS Martin00:16:33
113BURGOS-BH maillot imageALVAREZ RODRIGUEZ Rodrigo00:16:33
114OMAN maillot imageALMAMMARI Faisal00:18:51
115TERENGGANU POLYGON CYCLING TEAM maillot imageSALEH Mohd Harrif00:20:30
116TERENGGANU POLYGON CYCLING TEAM maillot imageLAKASEK Irwandie00:20:30
117OMAN maillot imageAL-WAHIBI Mohammed-03:53:51
118TERENGGANU POLYGON CYCLING TEAM maillot imageEWART Jesse-03:53:51
119BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageWALLS Matthew-03:53:51
120UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageGUDMESTAD Tord-03:53:51