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CloudsClouds3 km/h
  • Distància272.1 km
  • Pendent positiva+2777 m
  • Pendent negativa-2798 m
  • Puntuació d'etapa42
1BELGIUM maillot imageEVENEPOEL Remco06:19:34
2FRANCE maillot imageMADOUAS Valentin00:01:11
3FRANCE maillot imageLAPORTE Christophe00:01:16
4HUNGARY maillot imageVALTER Attila00:01:16
5LATVIA maillot imageSKUJINS Toms00:01:16
6AUSTRIA maillot imageHALLER Marco00:01:16
7SWITZERLAND maillot imageKÜNG Stefan00:01:16
8SLOVENIA maillot imageTRATNIK Jan00:01:16
9UNITED STATES OF AMERICA maillot imageJORGENSON Matteo00:01:16
10IRELAND maillot imageHEALY Ben00:01:20
11FRANCE maillot imageALAPHILIPPE Julian00:01:25
12NETHERLANDS maillot imageVAN DER POEL Mathieu00:01:49
13GREAT BRITAIN maillot imagePIDCOCK Thomas00:01:50
14CZECH REPUBLIC maillot imageVACEK Mathias00:01:51
15AUSTRALIA maillot imageMATTHEWS Michael00:02:13
16SWITZERLAND maillot imageHIRSCHI Marc00:02:13
17DENMARK maillot imageSKJELMOSE JENSEN Mattias00:02:13
18SPAIN maillot imageARANBURU DEBA Alex00:02:13
19COLOMBIA maillot imageBUITRAGO Santiago00:02:15
20DENMARK maillot imagePEDERSEN Mads00:02:20
21BELGIUM maillot imageSTUYVEN Jasper00:02:20
22SPAIN maillot imageAYUSO PESQUERA Juan00:02:20
23ITALY maillot imageBETTIOL Alberto00:02:20
24UNITED STATES OF AMERICA maillot imageMCNULTY Brandon00:02:20
25COLOMBIA maillot imageMARTINEZ POVEDA Daniel Felipe00:02:20
26AUSTRIA maillot imageGROSSSCHARTNER Felix00:02:20
27NEW ZEALAND maillot imageSTRONG Corbin00:02:57
28GERMANY maillot imageSCHACHMANN Maximilian00:02:59
29SLOVAKIA maillot imageKUBIŠ Lukáš00:03:42
30ESTONIA maillot imageMIHKELS Madis00:03:42
31GREAT BRITAIN maillot imageWILLIAMS Stephen00:03:42
32AUSTRALIA maillot imageCLARKE Simon00:03:42
33PORTUGAL maillot imageOLIVEIRA Nelson00:03:42
34FRANCE maillot imageVAUQUELIN Kévin00:03:42
35SPAIN maillot imageLAZKANO LOPEZ Oier00:03:42
36NETHERLANDS maillot imageVAN BAARLE Dylan00:03:42
37BELGIUM maillot imageVAN AERT Wout00:03:47
38SLOVENIA maillot imageMEZGEC Luka00:07:23
39NEW ZEALAND maillot imagePITHIE Laurence00:07:23
40LUXEMBOURG maillot imageKIRSCH Alex00:07:23
41CANADA maillot imageWOODS Michael00:07:23
42UNITED STATES OF AMERICA maillot imageSHEFFIELD Magnus00:07:23
43GREAT BRITAIN maillot imageWRIGHT Alfred00:07:23
44CANADA maillot imageGEE Derek00:07:23
45ECUADOR maillot imageNARVAEZ PRADO Jhonatan00:07:23
46PORTUGAL maillot imageFARIA DA COSTA Rui Alberto00:07:23
47GREAT BRITAIN maillot imageTARLING Joshua00:07:23
48BELGIUM maillot imageBENOOT Tiesj00:07:23
49ERITREA maillot imageGIRMAY HAILU Biniam00:07:23
50ITALY maillot imageMOZZATO Luca00:07:23
51AUSTRALIA maillot imageO'CONNOR Ben00:07:23
52KAZAKHSTAN maillot imageLUTSENKO Alexey00:07:23
53VENEZUELA maillot imageAULAR Orluis00:07:23
54ARGENTINA maillot imageSEPULVEDA Eduardo00:08:57
55URUGUAY maillot imageFAGUNDEZ Eric Antonio00:08:57
56JAPAN maillot imageARASHIRO Yukiya00:08:57
57MONGOLIA maillot imageSAINBAYAR Jambaljamts00:08:57
58SWEDEN maillot imageSÖDERQVIST Jakob00:14:22
59DENMARK maillot imageMØRKØV Michael00:16:57
60IRELAND maillot imageMULLEN Ryan00:16:57
61POLAND maillot imageANIOLKOWSKI Stanislaw00:18:29
62ISRAEL maillot imageEINHORN Itamar00:19:53
63NORWAY maillot imageWÆRENSKJOLD Søren00:19:53
64SERBIA maillot imageILIĆ Ognjen00:19:53
65SOUTH KOREA maillot imageKIM Euro00:19:53
66UKRAINE maillot imageBUDIAK Anatolii00:19:53
67PANAMA maillot imageARCHIBOLD CASTILLO Franklin00:19:53
68CHINA maillot imageLYU Xianjing00:19:53
69SOUTH AFRICA maillot imageGIBBONS Ryan00:19:53
70GERMANY maillot imagePOLITT Nils00:19:55
71BRAZIL maillot imageRANGEL COSTA Vinicius00:19:57
72NETHERLANDS maillot imageHOOLE Daan00:21:43
73DENMARK maillot imageBJERG Mikkel00:21:43
74NORWAY maillot imageFOSS Tobias S.00:21:43
75GREECE maillot imageBOUGLAS Georgios00:25:59
76IRAN maillot imageLABIB SHOTORBAN Ali00:26:59
77UGANDA maillot imageKAGIMU Charles00:31:15
78SLOVENIA maillot imageMOHORIC Matej-06:19:34
79SLOVENIA maillot imageNOVAK Domen-06:19:34
80ITALY maillot imageVIVIANI Elia-06:19:34
82KAZAKHSTAN maillot imageFEDOROV Yevgeniy-06:19:34
83MOROCO maillot imageED DOGHMY Achraf-06:19:34
84MAURITIUS maillot imageROUGIER-LAGANE Christopher-06:19:34
85ALGERIA maillot imageHAMZA Yacine-06:19:34
86UZBEKISTAN maillot imageTSVETKOV Nikita-06:19:34
87THAILAND maillot imageCHAIYASOMBAT Thanakhan-06:19:34
88TURKEY maillot imageABAY Burak-06:19:34
89HONG KONG maillot imageLAU Wan Yau Vincent-06:19:34
90RWANDA maillot imageMANIZABAYO Eric-06:19:34

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