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MURTAGH Conor photo


10-07-1993 (30 anys), Melbourne
Rider speciality GC icon badgeRider speciality CL icon badgeRider speciality SP icon badgeRider speciality HL icon badgeRider speciality MT icon badgeRider speciality TT icon badgeRider speciality CB icon badge





Millors resultats

  • 10th place in Oceania Continental Championships - Road Race
  • 6th place in stage Herald Sun Tour
  • 6th place in Gravel and Tar Classic
  • 42nd place in GC Tour de Tochigi
  • 25th place in GC Joe Martin Stage Race
  • 13th place in stage Tour de Tochigi
  • 24th place in stage Tour de Tochigi
  • 10th place in stage Tour of Peninsular
  • 38th place in Points GC Tour of Peninsular
  • 33rd place in GC Tour of Peninsular

Resultats de la temporada