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1UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageTILLER Rasmus Fossum04:09:02
2SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageVAN TRICHT Stan00:00:00
3LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageVERMEERSCH Florian00:00:00
4SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageLAMPAERT Yves00:00:10
5ISRAEL - PREMIER TECH maillot imageCLARKE Simon00:00:10
6INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageVLIEGEN Loïc00:00:19
7UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageWÆRENSKJOLD Søren00:00:26
8TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageBIERMANS Jenthe00:00:28
9ISRAEL - PREMIER TECH maillot imageVAN ASBROECK Tom00:00:28
10TEAM NOVO NORDISK maillot image KOPECKÝ Matyáš00:00:28
11TEAM FLANDERS - BALOISE maillot imageDE PESTEL Sander00:00:30
12UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageRESELL Erik Nordsaeter00:00:30
13ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageVAN DER POEL Mathieu00:00:30
14LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageFRISON Frederik00:00:36
15TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageHOFSTETTER Hugo00:00:38
16INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageHUYS Laurens00:00:38
17SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imagePEDERSEN Casper Phillip00:00:41
18SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageDECLERCQ Tim00:00:45
19UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageKRISTOFF Alexander00:01:01
20LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imagePAASSCHENS Mathijs00:01:07
21COFIDIS maillot imageCONSONNI Simone00:01:13
22ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageKIELICH Timo00:02:11
23COFIDIS maillot imageRODRIGUES DE CARVALHO André00:02:36
24TEAM FLANDERS - BALOISE maillot imageCOLMAN Alex00:02:50
25BALOISE - TREK LIONS maillot imageRONHAAR Pim00:04:09
26ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageVERMEERSCH Gianni00:05:00
27BOLTON EQUITIES BLACK SPOKE maillot imageSCOTT Jacob00:05:10
28A BLOC CT maillot imageMACLEOD Callum00:05:26
29ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageDE BONDT Dries-04:09:02
30ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageBALLERSTEDT Maurice-04:09:02
31ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageLAURANCE Axel-04:09:02
32INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageBYSTRØM Sven Erik-04:09:02
33INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageDE GENDT Aime-04:09:02
34INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageMARIT Arne-04:09:02
35INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imagePLANCKAERT Baptiste-04:09:02
36INTERMARCHÉ - CIRCUS - WANTY maillot imageREX Laurenz-04:09:02
37SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageSTEIMLE Jannik-04:09:02
38SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageMØRKØV Michael-04:09:02
39SOUDAL - QUICK STEP maillot imageVERVAEKE Louis-04:09:02
40COFIDIS maillot imageCIMOLAI Davide-04:09:02
41COFIDIS maillot imageDELETTRE Alexandre-04:09:02
42COFIDIS maillot imageKREDER Wesley-04:09:02
43COFIDIS maillot imageWALLAYS Jelle-04:09:02
44LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageGRIGNARD Sébastien-04:09:02
45LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageVAN DE PAAR Jarne-04:09:02
46LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageLIVYNS Arjen-04:09:02
47LOTTO - DSTNY maillot imageSLOCK Liam-04:09:02
48TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageDEKKER David-04:09:02
49TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageGUERNALEC Thibault-04:09:02
50TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imagePICHON Laurent-04:09:02
51TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageRIOU Alan-04:09:02
52TEAM ARKEA - SAMSIC maillot imageRUSSO Clément-04:09:02
53BOLTON EQUITIES BLACK SPOKE maillot imageBURNETT Josh-04:09:02
55BOLTON EQUITIES BLACK SPOKE maillot imageFOUCHE James-04:09:02
56BOLTON EQUITIES BLACK SPOKE maillot imageSEXTON Tom-04:09:02
57BOLTON EQUITIES BLACK SPOKE maillot imageJONES Ollie John Edward-04:09:02
58BOLTON EQUITIES BLACK SPOKE maillot imageWRIGHT Paul-04:09:02
59ISRAEL - PREMIER TECH maillot imageVANMARCKE Sep-04:09:02
60ISRAEL - PREMIER TECH maillot imageGOLDSHTEIN Omer-04:09:02
61ISRAEL - PREMIER TECH maillot imageNIZZOLO Giacomo-04:09:02
62ISRAEL - PREMIER TECH maillot imageEINHORN Itamar-04:09:02
63ISRAEL - PREMIER TECH maillot imageKOGUT Oded-04:09:02
64TEAM FLANDERS - BALOISE maillot imageAPERS Ruben-04:09:02
65TEAM FLANDERS - BALOISE maillot imageBRAET Vito-04:09:02
66TEAM FLANDERS - BALOISE maillot imageDE VYLDER Lindsay-04:09:02
67TEAM FLANDERS - BALOISE maillot imageVAN HEMELEN Vincent-04:09:02
68TEAM FLANDERS - BALOISE maillot imageVANHOOF Ward-04:09:02
69TEAM NOVO NORDISK maillot imageBEADLE Hamish-04:09:02
70TEAM NOVO NORDISK maillot imageIRVINE Declan-04:09:02
71TEAM NOVO NORDISK maillot imageKUSZTOR Péter-04:09:02
72TEAM NOVO NORDISK maillot imagePERON Andrea-04:09:02
73TEAM NOVO NORDISK maillot imagePOLI Umberto-04:09:02
74TEAM NOVO NORDISK maillot imageRIDOLFO Filippo-04:09:02
75UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageBENDIXEN Louis-04:09:02
76UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageLEVY William Blume-04:09:02
77UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageABRAHAMSEN Jonas-04:09:02
78BALOISE - TREK LIONS maillot imageGODFROID Olivier-04:09:02
79BALOISE - TREK LIONS maillot imageHAVERDINGS David-04:09:02
80BALOISE - TREK LIONS maillot imageHUYBS Ward-04:09:02
81BALOISE - TREK LIONS maillot imageLEDEGEN Dietmar-04:09:02
82BALOISE - TREK LIONS maillot imageMARIËN Daan-04:09:02
83BALOISE - TREK LIONS maillot imageNIEUWENHUIS Joris-04:09:02
84A BLOC CT maillot imageAPPEL Stijn-04:09:02
85A BLOC CT maillot imageSINSCHEK Nils-04:09:02
86A BLOC CT maillot imageVAN ZANDEN Otto-04:09:02
87A BLOC CT maillot imageHERBEN Luuk-04:09:02
88A BLOC CT maillot imageVAN DEN BROEK Frank-04:09:02
89A BLOC CT maillot imageWEULINK Meindert-04:09:02
90TARTELETTO - ISOREX maillot imageDUPONT Timothy-04:09:02
91TARTELETTO - ISOREX maillot imageGEENS Jonas -04:09:02
92TARTELETTO - ISOREX maillot imageVAN DE KERKHOVE Brent-04:09:02
93TARTELETTO - ISOREX maillot imageGOEMAN Andreas-04:09:02
94TARTELETTO - ISOREX maillot imageJOSEPH Thomas-04:09:02
95TARTELETTO - ISOREX maillot imageRELAES Jacob-04:09:02
96TARTELETTO - ISOREX maillot imageVERWILT Mauro-04:09:02
97VOLKERWESSELS CYCLING TEAM maillot imageBUITER Rindert-04:09:02
99VOLKERWESSELS CYCLING TEAM maillot imageHAEST Jasper-04:09:02
100VOLKERWESSELS CYCLING TEAM maillot imageKLAVER Jente-04:09:02
103VOLKERWESSELS CYCLING TEAM maillot imageWILLEMS Thimo-04:09:02