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19/08/2021- 22/08/2021
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Stage results
1BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageWALLS Matthew03:25:16
2TREK - SEGAFREDO maillot imagePEDERSEN Mads00:00:00
3UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageHOELGAARD Daniel00:00:00
4JUMBO-VISMA maillot imageTEUNISSEN Mike00:00:00
5LOTTO SOUDAL maillot imageVAN DER SANDE Tosh00:00:00
6UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageKRISTOFF Alexander00:00:00
7BHS - PL BETON BORNHOLM maillot imageBROGE Nils Lau00:00:00
8UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageHOELGAARD Markus00:00:00
9RIWAL CYCLING TEAM maillot imageVAN DER LIJKE Nick00:00:00
10SPORT VLAANDEREN - BALOISE maillot imageBEULLENS Cédric00:00:00
11TEAM COOP maillot imageBENDIXEN Louis00:00:00
12UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageBYSTRØM Sven Erik00:00:00
13TREK - SEGAFREDO maillot imageSKJELMOSE JENSEN Mattias00:00:00
14RIBBLE WELDTITE PRO CYCLING maillot imageSHAW James00:00:00
15RIWAL CYCLING TEAM maillot imageERIKSSON Lucas00:00:00
16SPORT VLAANDEREN - BALOISE maillot imageVANHOOF Ward00:00:00
17TEAM COOP maillot imageAASVOLD Kristian00:00:00
18RIWAL CYCLING TEAM maillot imageMAGNUSSON Kim00:00:00
19TEAM COOP maillot imageHJEMSÆTER Olav00:00:00
20TEAM DSM maillot imageCOMBAUD Romain00:00:00
21SPORT VLAANDEREN - BALOISE maillot imageVAN POUCKE Aaron00:00:00
22BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageSCHELLING Ide00:00:00
23BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imagePOLITT Nils00:00:00
24TEAM COOP maillot imageGUDMESTAD Tord00:00:00
25TEAM COLOQUICK maillot imageKRISTENSEN Mads Østergaard00:00:00
26JUMBO-VISMA maillot imageBENNETT George00:00:00
27RIBBLE WELDTITE PRO CYCLING maillot imageGIBSON Matthew00:00:00
28UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageSKAARSETH Anders00:00:00
29UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageTRÆEN Torstein00:00:00
30TEAM DSM maillot imageDONOVAN Mark00:00:00
31BHS - PL BETON BORNHOLM maillot imageBREGNHØJ Mathias00:00:00
32ABLOC CT maillot imageWEULINK Meindert00:00:00
33INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageHAYTER Ethan00:00:00
34NIPPO-PROVENCE-PTS CONTI maillot imageTRACZ Szymon00:00:00
35INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageROWE Luke00:00:00
36BHS - PL BETON BORNHOLM maillot imageRAHBEK Mads Baadgaard00:00:08
37SPORT VLAANDEREN - BALOISE maillot imageMERTENS Julian00:00:08
38SPORT VLAANDEREN - BALOISE maillot imageVERWILST Aaron00:00:08
39TEAM COOP maillot imageDVERSNES Fredrik00:00:08
40BLACK SPOKE PRO CYCLING maillot imageKENCH Joshua00:00:08
41BLACK SPOKE PRO CYCLING maillot imageSTEWART Campbell00:00:08
42INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageSWIFT Ben00:00:08
43EVOPRO RACING maillot imageEYSKENS Jeroen00:00:13
44TEAM COLOQUICK maillot imagePALLESEN Jeppe Aaskov00:00:13
45TEAM DSM maillot imageONLEY Oscar00:00:13
46GLOBAL 6 CYCLING maillot imagePALUTA Michal00:00:17
47BLACK SPOKE PRO CYCLING maillot imageMUDGWAY Luke00:00:17
48GLOBAL 6 CYCLING maillot imageMITRI James00:00:19
49INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageCASTROVIEJO Jonathan00:00:30
50TEAM DSM maillot imageLEKNESSUND Andreas00:00:53
51GLOBAL 6 CYCLING maillot imageJONES Ollie John Edward00:00:57
52NIPPO-PROVENCE-PTS CONTI maillot imageOKA Atsushi00:00:57
53RIWAL CYCLING TEAM maillot imageSCHULTZ Jesper00:00:00
54BHS - PL BETON BORNHOLM maillot imageJENSEN Frederik Irgens00:01:00
55UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageFISHER-BLACK Finn00:01:16
56ABLOC CT maillot imageDEL GROSSO Bodi00:01:35
57LOTTO SOUDAL maillot imageDE GENDT Thomas00:01:40
58JUMBO-VISMA maillot imageFOSS Tobias S.00:01:40
59ABLOC CT maillot imagePATERSON Aden James00:01:40
60TEAM COOP maillot imageLUNDER Eirik00:01:40
61RIWAL CYCLING TEAM maillot imageMØRCH KONGSTAD Tobias00:01:40
62GLOBAL 6 CYCLING maillot imageSESSLER Nicolas00:01:40
63BHS - PL BETON BORNHOLM maillot imageTOUDAL Emil00:01:40
64LOTTO SOUDAL maillot imageTHIJSSEN Gerben00:01:40
65UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageLAENGEN Vegard Stake00:01:40
66LOTTO SOUDAL maillot imageGRIGNARD Sébastien00:03:02
67EVOPRO RACING maillot imageMONK Cyrus00:03:02
68UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageSLEEN Torjus00:03:20
69JUMBO-VISMA maillot imageGELEIJN Owen00:03:59
70NIPPO-PROVENCE-PTS CONTI maillot imageMEYER Robin00:04:04
71JUMBO-VISMA maillot imageHARPER Chris00:04:04
72BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageSCHILLINGER Andreas00:04:23
73BLACK SPOKE PRO CYCLING maillot imageCURRIE Logan00:04:44
74BLACK SPOKE PRO CYCLING maillot imageFOUCHE James00:04:44
75NIPPO-PROVENCE-PTS CONTI maillot imageKNOTTEN Iver Johan00:04:44
76RIBBLE WELDTITE PRO CYCLING maillot imageLEWIS Gruffudd00:04:44
77INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageGANNA Filippo00:04:44
78ABLOC CT maillot imageAPPEL Stijn00:04:44
79TREK - SEGAFREDO maillot imageBERNARD Julien00:05:14
80GLOBAL 6 CYCLING maillot imageBERLIN Antoine00:05:14
81BHS - PL BETON BORNHOLM maillot imageIWERSEN Emil00:05:14
82TEAM COLOQUICK maillot imageKJELDSEN Christian00:05:14
83EVOPRO RACING maillot imageRHIM Brendan00:05:14
84TEAM COLOQUICK maillot imageERIKSEN Stein-Erik00:05:14
85ABLOC CT maillot imageJANSSEN Adriaan00:05:14
86RIBBLE WELDTITE PRO CYCLING maillot imagePAGE Charles00:05:14
87RIWAL CYCLING TEAM maillot imageHANSEN Jesper00:05:14
88TEAM DSM maillot imageGALL Felix00:05:16
89JUMBO-VISMA maillot imageVINGEGAARD Jonas00:05:16
90TEAM DSM maillot imageHAYTER Leo00:07:39
91EVOPRO RACING maillot imageNISU Oskar00:07:39
92UNO - X PRO CYCLING TEAM maillot imageCHARMIG Anthon00:07:41
93TREK - SEGAFREDO maillot imageMOSCHETTI Matteo00:07:41
94UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageGROß Felix00:08:51
95INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageBASSO Leonardo00:08:51
96UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageRIABUSHENKO Aleksandr00:08:51
97BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageWANDAHL Frederik00:08:51
98TREK - SEGAFREDO maillot imageKAMP Alexander00:08:51
99ABLOC CT maillot imagePLUTO Martin00:09:58
100GLOBAL 6 CYCLING maillot imageHANSEN Dan Erik00:11:11
101TREK - SEGAFREDO maillot imageEGHOLM Jakob00:11:11
102EVOPRO RACING maillot imageFONT MAS Bernat00:11:11
103BORA - HANSGROHE maillot imageBASKA Erik00:11:11
104RIBBLE WELDTITE PRO CYCLING maillot imageKYFFIN Zeb00:11:11