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Stage 2 | Tour of Austria

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02/07/2024- 07/07/2024
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RainRain1 km/h
  • Distance178 km
  • Positive slope+2026 m
  • Stage score48
Stage results
1TEAM JAYCO ALULA maillot imageDE PRETTO Davide3:38:52
2UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageOLIVEIRA Rui3:38:52
3LIDL - TREK FUTURE RACING maillot imageBEHRENS Niklas3:38:52
4UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageULISSI Diego3:38:52
5VF GROUP - BARDIANI CSF - FAIZANÈ maillot imageMARCELLUSI Martin3:38:52
6ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageMICHELS Jente3:38:52
7VF GROUP - BARDIANI CSF - FAIZANÈ maillot imageBIAGINI Federico3:38:52
9TEAM COOP - REPSOL maillot imageDREGE Andre3:38:52
10TEAM VORARLBERG maillot imageSTÜSSI Colin Chris3:38:52
11ELKOV - KASPER maillot imageKUBIŠ Lukáš3:38:52
12LIDL - TREK FUTURE RACING maillot imageKESSLER Cole3:38:52
13TEAM COOP - REPSOL maillot imageFELDMANN Karsten Larsen3:38:52
14TEAM COOP - REPSOL maillot imageSTENSBY Anton3:38:52
15SANTIC - WIBATECH maillot imagePALUTA Michał3:38:52
16TEAM JAYCO ALULA maillot imageBERHE Welay Hagos3:38:52
17TEAM VORARLBERG maillot imageKONYCHEV Alexander3:38:52
18TDT - UNIBET CYCLING TEAM maillot imageŤOUPALÍK Adam3:38:52
19INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageRIVERA Brandon3:38:52
20INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageSHEFFIELD Magnus3:38:52
21UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageMAJKA Rafal3:38:52
22ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageMEURISSE Xandro3:38:52
23TIROL KTM CYCLING TEAM maillot imagePUTZ Sebastian3:38:52
24ATT INVESTMENTS maillot imageDINA Márton3:38:52
25TEAM JAYCO ALULA maillot imageENGELHARDT Felix3:38:52
26UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageCHRISTEN Jan3:38:52
27TEAM FELT FELBERMAYR maillot imageSCHÖNBERGER Sebastian3:38:52
28TEAM JAYCO ALULA maillot imageDUNBAR Eddie3:38:52
29ATT INVESTMENTS maillot imageŘEHA Filip3:38:52
30ATT INVESTMENTS maillot imageOTRUBA Jakub3:38:52
31ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageSWEECK Laurens3:38:52
32VF GROUP - BARDIANI CSF - FAIZANÈ maillot imagePELLIZZARI Giulio3:38:52
33SANTIC - WIBATECH maillot imageGAMPER Mario3:38:52
34TEAM FELT FELBERMAYR maillot imageZANGERLE Emanuel3:38:52
35TIROL KTM CYCLING TEAM maillot imageBUSCHEK Paul3:38:52
36TEAM LOTTO KERN-HAUS PSD BANK maillot imageKOCKELMANN Mathieu3:38:52
37TDT - UNIBET CYCLING TEAM maillot imageMAIRE Adrien3:38:52
38ATT INVESTMENTS maillot imageSCHURAN Michal3:38:52
39WSA KTM GRAZ maillot imageMESSNER Martin3:38:52
40INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageGANNA Filippo3:38:52
41LIDL - TREK FUTURE RACING maillot imageAEBERSOLD Nils3:38:52
42TEAM JAYCO ALULA maillot imagePEÑA Jesús David3:38:52
43TEAM FELT FELBERMAYR maillot imageWIRTGEN Tom3:38:52
44P&S METALLTECHNIK BENOTTI maillot imageGRIXA Jarno3:38:52
45TDT - UNIBET CYCLING TEAM maillot imageKOPECKÝ Tomáš3:38:52
46HRINKOW ADVARICS maillot imageRAPP Jonas3:38:52
47TEAM VORARLBERG maillot imagePETER Jannis3:38:52
48UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageBAX Sjoerd3:38:52
49TEAM FELT FELBERMAYR maillot imagePERNSTEINER Hermann3:38:52
50TDT - UNIBET CYCLING TEAM maillot imageCHRISTOPHERSEN Cedrik Bakke3:38:52
51HRINKOW ADVARICS maillot imageRAVASI Edward3:38:52
52TEAM FELT FELBERMAYR maillot imageZOIDL Riccardo3:38:52
53VF GROUP - BARDIANI CSF - FAIZANÈ maillot imageZOCCARATO Samuele3:38:52
54VF GROUP - BARDIANI CSF - FAIZANÈ maillot imageTOLIO Alex3:38:52
55TEAM COOP - REPSOL maillot imageINGEBRIGTSEN Storm3:38:52
56BEAT CYCLING CLUB maillot imageDISSEL Bram3:38:52
57VOSTER ATS TEAM maillot imageSOWINSKI Artur3:38:52
58ELKOV - KASPER maillot imageBOROŠ Michael3:38:52
59VF GROUP - BARDIANI CSF - FAIZANÈ maillot imageTONELLI Alessandro3:38:52
60HRINKOW ADVARICS maillot imageVERZA Riccardo3:38:52
61UAE TEAM EMIRATES maillot imageCOVI Alessandro3:38:52
62TDT - UNIBET CYCLING TEAM maillot imageGELEIJN Owen3:38:52
63TEAM FELT FELBERMAYR maillot imageHEIDEMANN Miguel3:38:52
64HRINKOW ADVARICS maillot imagePRIMOŽIČ Jaka3:38:52
65ELKOV - KASPER maillot imagePŘIDAL Tomáš3:38:52
66ELKOV - KASPER maillot imageMRÁZ Daniel3:38:52
67ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageRIESEBEEK Oscar3:38:52
68ATT INVESTMENTS maillot imageCAMRDA Karel3:38:52
69TEAM COOP - REPSOL maillot imageBROHOLT FOUGNER Eivind3:38:52
70P&S METALLTECHNIK BENOTTI maillot imageBALDUS Simon3:38:52
71TEAM JAYCO ALULA maillot imageWALSCHEID Max3:38:52
72TEAM LOTTO KERN-HAUS PSD BANK maillot imageBÁRTA Martin3:38:52
73ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageWYSEURE Joran3:38:52
74ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageGOGL Michael3:38:52
76ALPECIN - DECEUNINCK maillot imageKITZKI Louis3:39:36
77VOSTER ATS TEAM maillot imageSZYMACHA Kamil3:39:36
78TEAM COOP - REPSOL maillot imageKVAM Kalle3:40:12
79VOSTER ATS TEAM maillot imageMURIAS Jakub3:40:15
80P&S METALLTECHNIK BENOTTI maillot imageGATHEMANN Albert3:40:22
81VOSTER ATS TEAM maillot imageKOSTAŃSKI Mateusz3:40:22
82TIROL KTM CYCLING TEAM maillot imageBRENNSÆTER Trym3:40:22
83VOSTER ATS TEAM maillot imageOLSZAR Antoni3:40:22
84LIDL - TREK FUTURE RACING maillot imageCATALDO Dario3:40:26
85TEAM VORARLBERG maillot imageVERMEULEN Moran3:40:33
86TDT - UNIBET CYCLING TEAM maillot imageSTOCKMAN Abram3:41:13
87INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageAUGUST Andrew3:42:26
88INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageHEIDUK Kim Alexander3:42:26
89P&S METALLTECHNIK BENOTTI maillot imageKÄRSTEN Moritz3:43:06
90SANTIC - WIBATECH maillot imageMESSERSCHMIDT Jonas Fabian3:43:06
91SANTIC - WIBATECH maillot imageBANGERT Nick3:43:06
92TIROL KTM CYCLING TEAM maillot imageECKERSTORFER Benjamin3:43:06
94SANTIC - WIBATECH maillot imageROSNER Linus3:43:06
95ATT INVESTMENTS maillot imageRIŠKA Richard3:43:06
96WSA KTM GRAZ maillot imageTICHLER Thomas3:43:06
97ELKOV - KASPER maillot imageOBDRŽÁLEK Tomáš3:43:06
98INEOS GRENADIERS maillot imageLEONARD Michael3:43:06
99BEAT CYCLING CLUB maillot imageCOPPENS Michiel3:43:06
100BEAT CYCLING CLUB maillot imageKERCKHAERT Jochem3:43:06
101TEAM VORARLBERG maillot imageMEILER Lukas3:43:38
102TEAM JAYCO ALULA maillot imagePLAPP Luke3:43:38
103TEAM FELT FELBERMAYR maillot imageBROZYNA Piotr3:43:38
104TEAM LOTTO KERN-HAUS PSD BANK maillot imageDREßLER Luca3:47:26
105TDT - UNIBET CYCLING TEAM maillot imageJOHANNINK Jelle3:47:26
106TEAM LOTTO KERN-HAUS PSD BANK maillot imageBRENNER Mauro3:47:26
107LIDL - TREK FUTURE RACING maillot imageMILAN Matteo3:47:26
108HRINKOW ADVARICS maillot imageKABAS Maximilian3:48:17
109WSA KTM GRAZ maillot imageKAEMPE Stinus Bjerring3:57:52
110HRINKOW ADVARICS maillot imageKOVAR Stefan3:57:52
111P&S METALLTECHNIK BENOTTI maillot imageNOLDE Tobias3:57:52
112TEAM COOP - REPSOL maillot imageUTENGEN SANDSTAD Halvor3:57:52
113HRINKOW ADVARICS maillot imageHAMMERSCHMID Marvin3:57:52
114TEAM VORARLBERG maillot imageRÜEGG Lukas3:57:52
115TIROL KTM CYCLING TEAM maillot imageWAFLER Tim3:57:52
116VOSTER ATS TEAM maillot imageMASLAK Piotr3:57:52
117VOSTER ATS TEAM maillot imageFRĄTCZAK Radosław3:57:52
118WSA KTM GRAZ maillot imageGUSNER Matthias3:57:52
119TEAM LOTTO KERN-HAUS PSD BANK maillot imageMORANG Mil3:57:52
120SANTIC - WIBATECH maillot imageGABELICA Laurin3:57:52
121BEAT CYCLING CLUB maillot imagePAARDEKOOPER Thijmen3:57:52
122BEAT CYCLING CLUB maillot imageLOOHUIS Lars3:57:52
123LIDL - TREK FUTURE RACING maillot imageROGERS Cameron3:57:52
124ELKOV - KASPER maillot imageZAHÁLKA Matej3:57:52
125ATT INVESTMENTS maillot imageKAŠPAR Jan3:57:52
126TEAM VORARLBERG maillot imageAMANN Dominik3:57:52
127LIDL - TREK FUTURE RACING maillot imagePEDERSEN Martin3:57:52
128P&S METALLTECHNIK BENOTTI maillot imageALBRECHT Anton 3:57:52
129P&S METALLTECHNIK BENOTTI maillot imageRÖBER Dominik3:57:52
130TEAM LOTTO KERN-HAUS PSD BANK maillot imageHUPPERTZ Joshua3:57:52
131WSA KTM GRAZ maillot imageMARBLER Stefan3:57:52
132WSA KTM GRAZ maillot imageSTOCKER Marco3:57:52
134BEAT CYCLING CLUB maillot imageAPPEL Stijn3:57:52
135TIROL KTM CYCLING TEAM maillot imageSCHRETTL Marco3:57:52
136SANTIC - WIBATECH maillot imagePEKALA Piotr3:57:52
137WSA KTM GRAZ maillot imageHOFBAUER Philipp3:57:52
138ELKOV - KASPER maillot imageŤOUPALÍK Jakub