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Etapa 1 | Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games ME - ITT

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1SLOVENIA maillot imageROGLIČ Primož00:55:04
2NETHERLANDS maillot imageDUMOULIN Tom00:01:01
3AUSTRALIA maillot imageDENNIS Rohan00:01:04
4SWITZERLAND maillot imageKÜNG Stefan00:01:04
5ITALY maillot imageGANNA Filippo00:01:05
6BELGIUM maillot imageVAN AERT Wout00:01:40
7DENMARK maillot imageASGREEN Kasper00:01:48
8COLOMBIA maillot imageURAN Rigoberto00:02:14
9BELGIUM maillot imageEVENEPOEL Remco00:02:17
10NEW ZEALAND maillot imageBEVIN Patrick00:02:20
11ITALY maillot imageBETTIOL Alberto00:02:34
12GREAT BRITAIN maillot imageTHOMAS Geraint00:02:42
13CANADA maillot imageHOULE Hugo00:02:52
14SOUTH AFRICA maillot imageDE BOD Stefan00:02:53
15GERMANY maillot imageSCHACHMANN Maximilian00:03:29
16PORTUGAL maillot imageALMEIDA João00:03:29
17FRANCE maillot imageCAVAGNA Rémi00:03:35
18POLAND maillot imageBODNAR Maciej00:03:43
19GERMANY maillot imageARNDT Nikias00:03:45
20RUSSIA maillot imageVLASOV Aleksandr00:03:51
21PORTUGAL maillot imageOLIVEIRA Nelson00:03:55
22ESTONIA maillot imageKANGERT Tanel00:04:01
23NORWAY maillot imageFOSS Tobias S.00:04:47
24UNITED STATES OF AMERICA maillot imageMCNULTY Brandon00:04:53
25NEW ZEALAND maillot imageBENNETT George00:05:24
26CZECH REPUBLIC maillot imageKUKRLE Michael00:05:37
27AUSTRALIA maillot imagePORTE Richie00:05:49
28IRELAND maillot imageROCHE Nicolas00:06:19
29GREAT BRITAIN maillot imageGEOGHEGAN HART Tao00:06:40
30LATVIA maillot imageSKUJINS Toms00:07:00
31AUSTRIA maillot imageKONRAD Patrick00:07:01
32KAZAKHSTAN maillot imageLUTSENKO Alexey00:07:17
33ERITREA maillot imageGHEBREIGZABHIER WERKILUL Amanuel00:08:18
34UNITED STATES OF AMERICA maillot imageCRADDOCK G Lawson00:08:48
35IRAN maillot imageSAFARZADEH Saeid00:10:10
36ALGERIA maillot imageLAGAB Azzedine00:10:17
37SLOVAKIA maillot imageKUBIŠ Lukáš00:11:21
38SYRIA maillot imageWAIS Ahmad Badreddin00:13:36
39SPAIN maillot imageIZAGIRRE INSAUSTI Ion-00:55:04